Immediately, when I got out from the plane, I can feel the much talked about humidity in sg, it is one of the reason why i dragged gg home...haha. So happy to feel that I'm back home. My parents, grandma and my aunt came to pick me up. So nice to see all of them. One of the best thing about travelling, that you will learn to appreciate whatever things you have so much more. ahhhhh
I missed my parents so much, was welcomed by lotsa great home cooked food. My mum cooked potatoe soup, the same soup that i cooked more than 10 times in NZ. hahaha, but obviously how can my standards be compared to her. I love it so much. I miss my wife, upon my return, i quickly take Francesca out for a spin. Must learn to 4get about the wife in NZ to get use to this one at home.
Obviously, after being away for so long, the first thing u want to see/do will be something that is of great priority to you. And that was what I did, I gave my love a big big surprise, muacks. And the love doesn't just stop when I'm out of sg, I went to NZ to continue this great love, therefore the natural tendency for me when I come back is to look for her. She was having a camp, someone whom I spend 1.5years with, and grew so much with it. I'm glad that everything has grown for the betta. The camp was fun, Got myself all burnt. But we did have lotsa fun. And I missed the SUN too.
Looking at the camp, it definitely draws back fond memories of the same camp that I was part of the organising comm 2 yrs ago. Time flies man, and how fast things like these seems to be like yesterday...
Then...this was my biggest surprise for coming back. Kester organised a get-together man. Can u imagine that. Wah lau, sun will not set at night man. And he got such a great turn out. The food was great, but the company was even better. Oh my god, even Mark turned up. If this can allwaiz happen, I would want to travel more, coz when I come back I get to meet up with all these people that I dun even see when I'm in Singapore.
Then I saw the picts and msn msg abt this outing, these picts mean a whole deal to me man....gosh. Must frame big big...

Got lotsa good mahjong sessions. And it seems that everyone give me chance to win big big. Thank you ah. I think I will 4get how to play again, so when I come back, more mahjong sessions to help me improve on the rules of it yah?
I couldn't meet up with alot of you, for that I'm really sorry. Time really didn't allow. I have to run lotsa errands. Need to see my exchange advisor, need to go school to see prof, need to get the stuff that I need, like travelling book, accessories and then need to get my visa which is such a tedious process. I have to go to the embassy twice, how irritating is that. argh....
but I manage to get it for free....sheeshe dun tell anyone hor.
For those whom I met up with for the short span of time, I promise i will make it up next year when I'm back, and for those whom I really didnt even see at all, I will compensate even more when I'm back. dun worrie, when I'm back, I only left with 3 modules. lotsa time to lim kopi, 8 hours week. (minus 15mins break and late start and early finish)
Things that I want to do when I'm back(again)...
-Learn Thai
-Learn Blading
-Continue Dancing
-Daily dosage of friends and family
Till then, see you all in year 2007 and may you make the best from 2006.