Looking for Soul Mate

He is my friend from the Philippines. His name is Ban Joseph. He is like the most amazing guy that I have ever seen. His accomplishments are so so long....
Imagine this k? He is 23 years old, one year younger than me. He has already owned a 'pad'(a condominium), 2 cars, top sales representative for Abbot@Philippines, currently pursuing MBA, and has lotsa great overseas exposure. In a short 2 years in Abbot, he has already put his name in Abbot's President Club in Asia Pacific. That is how cool. All of these are the fruits of his labour, and not something that his parents bought for him. This is like how amazing...
Ok, achievements aside, he is a very nice guy and treats his friends better than best, very sensitive and well-mannered.... and with the pictures below to tell you how great he is. He is a good model with a natural candid smile, great love for photography and all the kids just love him.

What else do you ask for me in a guy? He has everything that a dream guy possesses. Girls, what are you waiting for......while stock lasts???
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