Left on the night right after my risk management test. Veronika told me she wants to join me, so I'm not traveling alone after all. Took a night train to Guadalajara. A 7 hours bus turn out to be 10 hours. Guadalajara is the 2nd biggest city in Mexico, and is the prettiest city here. Everything is just so....colonialised. I know I use this word so much, but is really nice and peaceful, and I love the architecture. Impressive!
Have like 6 hours to cover the historical sites there. Not enough, but we made the best out of the time we have. Was like amazing race, trying to go everywhere we can. Stop at this chinese resturant, that have a buffet. Finally, some chinese food for this poor miserable soul. It was not fantastic, i spoke mandarin and cantonese to the owner, but they dun seem to understand. Funny, i thot there were chinese too. and i thot i heard mandarin or cantonese from them. oh well....

Then another mad rush to the bus terminal to catch our bus to Los Mochis, this time, we were promise a 11hours ride but it turned out to be 12. And we got a train to catch at 7am that morning, the lucky thing is the train did not leave on time, so we were safe. We met other exchange students from ITAM too. Britta, Peggy, Thomas and Merijn was there at the train station. They went traveling like 5 days before us, lucky bastards. If not for my test, i would have done the same.
The train was late and left late (what's new here in mex). The ride was promised to be one of the most scenic experience here in Mexico. It wasn't so initially, and it only became slightly better from midway. Sigh, i guess after what I have seen in NZ, nothing else seem beautiful enough. And we arrived 3 hours late at Creel. the weather there is comparable to the winter of NZ. K, i'm gonna stop making comparison to NZ. =p
Stayed in a hotel for 10USD with breakfast n dinner included, and the meal was marvellous. We got a big room to ourself for the 6 of us. What else can we ask for. =) The next day we visit the canyon. First time in my life seeing a real canyon, less the time I saw a stimulated 3D grand canyon in Sg science centre. hahaha.
Copper canyon is very very big, and there are quite a number of indegionous pple. They dun speak spanish thou. And I can totally understand why ms pek can't take good pictures in the Canyon. Oh well, after a few trying out, i figured out the trick of taking pics in the canyon. Bcoz of the radiance from the sun, it causes blur in the photos, so u must adjust light, n position, too much technical stuff to go into, but overall, the canyon is amazing, and this make me wanna go to grand canyon even more.

The holland guys are trying to be gay with me for the 2 nites. tsk tsk tsk. And I'm impressed that they all know how to play dai dee, and I played with them, it is so shiok to play with ang mohs dai dee. coz they r so funny. but it was fun.....they are impressed with dai dee when they visited beijing and see pple enjoyed playing it so much. they call it the chinese poker. hahaha.
Then another mad rush in the morning to catch a bus to chihuahua. Chihuahua has too much northern influence. It is like a spanlish state. With lotsa american influence. Nothing really much is happening there, other than lotsa Chihuahua dogs statue around. And yes, the dog name chihuahua was named after this state because it was first found here.
And after that, we sat thru 17hours of bus ride back to DF. Yeah, i know, so many bus ride, I'm like a pro in many sleeping positions on the bus. haha. Look at the distance i covered in the whole of Mexico. hahaha. Impressive eh?
All pictures for this trip is uploaded. Coppoer Canyon pictures is a must look. Next stop will be Yucatan, Belize, Guatemala and Chipas b4 i hate to LA and then Tokyo. Alright, that all amigos, will see u guyz back at home in 2007.