Reveille @ 0530hours
Woke up at like 0530hours today for gyming. And I walked out of my house in shorts, so freaking cold. Have been a long time since I last lifted weights man. Gonna lose all the fats...
Played table tennis with my friend, had a pretty good time...
Did lotsa cooking today, made myself hamburger for breakfast, oriental lunch and fried rice for dinner.
Did my laundry, and it took me 2 hours. Wanted to buy headphones but is so expensive...:(
I was super tempted to do something really bad, but in the end quote from a dear friend of mine "I juz couldn't resist it"....I just have to do it...

Played table tennis with my friend, had a pretty good time...
Did lotsa cooking today, made myself hamburger for breakfast, oriental lunch and fried rice for dinner.
Did my laundry, and it took me 2 hours. Wanted to buy headphones but is so expensive...:(
I was super tempted to do something really bad, but in the end quote from a dear friend of mine "I juz couldn't resist it"....I just have to do it...

I plucked the prums and the apple from our garden...just because all the others did it too. Nice and free food....way to go man...
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