Day 2 - The weird things that the people here do
Today is day 2, look below, these are the activities planned for us...

The BBQ was great, FREE food of coz. I'm aiming for $40/week on food, i think is achievable. Went to the supermarts, most of the food are more expensive than SG other than milk, fruits and wines. They are dirt cheap. I should have wine chill out everyday. :)
I'm quite close to this Canadian Lady who is doing her post grad here, she is Karla. She is a really nice person, one of the reason is because she cook dinner for me. We had some left over BBQ food, and she made some salad. Pretty nice...
Last night we caught a movie, bewitched, tonight we watched stone cold. :) Pretty nice movie I must say. At nite, we were invited for some party(housewarming party) they have it like every day. You know why...because the weather in NZ is so cold, everybody needs a house warming everyday (i came up with these. :P).
So we actually meet at someone's place and drink. They are all hardcore drunkards. They drink like water, and after we were finally finish, the party was over, we didn't make it for the party. Then some wise guys suggested we go Casino (the drunkards) so we went, and guess what, they made so much money from it. They even ask if i want the chips because they are winning too much. duh...
At night, the whole street is filled with youngsters. Mostly drunk, sleeping ard, puking, and some even came up to mi to ask me stoopid stuff.
Bought a IDD card which cost me NZD$0.03/min to call bac SG, even cheaper than calling one another in SG. Whoever misses me and want me to call you, just drop your number, I will call....
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