Cork, Ireland
Cork is a quiet but nice part of Ireland. You can probably finish it within half a day. You get to see the cathedral…
A brewery….
And a sidewalk by the river…
There, I met Jim who works for apple and he is such a gifted person who practically knows everything. Plays many kinda musical instruments, paints, computer software engineer, plants (weed), kayak, travels, and so much more. I just feel so small when I see what he has done in his life. It just makes me feel so inadequate. Somehow or rather, I feel that if he is able to do all these, everyone and anyone can too.
So this brings me to accomplishing my next dream of playing a competitive sport when I start to work. First, I must find a club that wants me to be around and the sport that I want to be involved in.

So this brings me to accomplishing my next dream of playing a competitive sport when I start to work. First, I must find a club that wants me to be around and the sport that I want to be involved in.
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