Madrid, Spain
Is a big and populus city with a very strong cultural scene which deservingly represent the whole spanish way of life. The tapas goes for free with every glass of beer u order. And is not a small plate, is a big plate, and I'm so impressed with it. I just feel like opening a tapas bar when I'm back home. Someone please stop me, I have so many crazy ideas in my head to start food businesses.

The palace, Palacio Real is really very nice with a big open space in the courtyard.

This is the garden of the palace, which only have a secret entry to it, and luckily, I found it.

Then you have the Catedral de Nuestra Senoradela Almudena, this picture was taken during sunset before I attend the mass there. It just feel so surreal attening a mass in a Cathedral. Especially when the mass is co-celebrated in Cantonese, at least something that I understand. =p

Then there is some Spanish food festival going on, and yes, tried a few things here and there, and all of them are actually very nice. yum....
This guys is pouring apple liquor for the customers.

This shops is selling spanish pasteries.

All the museums are free on Sunday and is really impressive to see Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Renia Sofia and Museo Nacional del Prado. Although it cannot be compared to what could have been in Lourve, but since it is free, might as well right.
Then there is also a park here, less impressive in design as compared to Park Quell in Barcelona, but the size is amazingly huge. And is really nice for a walk but definitely not for any peace and quiet because is flooded with people during weekends.

There is some motorbike festival going on in Madrid that the amount of motorbikes I swear is more than those that I have seen in Vietnam. The amount is ridiculous. Take a look at the picture.

It is however, possible to complete the whole Madrid in 1-2 days if you know what and how to do everything.
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