This is on a mountain overseeing Barcelona, and yes, it is taller than Park Quell, and therefore you get to see more things, alternatively, if you go up on a bad day, you get to see the mist. =p
Tibidabo in Latin means I give you these. This was said to Jesus by the devil as they looked down from an exceeding high mountain upon all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, if you fall down and worshipped me. The first thing that came into my mind is how on earth did Jesus travel from Jerusalem to Barcelona. And why on earth will the devil treat the creation of God as his own asset. Is just like I say I will give A's thing to B if B listen to me. It doesn't make any sense to me. I mean I know what this mean in simplicity form, I'm just trying to be funny here ok?
I went up with my Spanish class mates. From left is Love and Nils from Sweden and Melanie from Germany.

Actually other than this church at the mountain, the other interesting aspect of this church is simply too hard to be missed. You know that you can purchase candles in the churches and light it. But here, you just have to put a dollar into this machines and the "candle" will light up.

And also, you have confession box where you do not have to see the priest. The sign reads, press the bell for confession. It definitely doesn't mean press the bell and the priest will come out and give u a confession. I suppose the priest will be in his office, so all you have to do is to go into the box and press for the bell which acts as an intercom and you can say do your confession over the intercom. This is becoming more and more high tech, I wonder when will be the day when you call the priest up with your mobile and tell him that u want to make a confession.
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