***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: North Island Adventure Part 3

Saturday, July 01, 2006

North Island Adventure Part 3

Alex picked me up and we went to his flat. I put up in his place for one night, before making my way up north to Pahia to visit Bay of Island.

The next day, I asked Alex to drop me in a strategic place for me to hitch a hike, he ended up dropping me a motorway(highway). Then it against the law to hitch hike on the motorway, and guess what, a police saw me, and on the other side of the road, he went out on the next exit and made a u-turn to come and find me. He did not even hear me out, he ask me to get out of the road, and shouted at me to walk on the grass. He demanded me to walk out to the next exit and did not even offer me a ride even though he is the only one in his car. How nice can the police here be. :(

I took 5 rides to eventually reach my destination. Quite impressive I must say. The map says I need about 4hours and I got there in less than 3.5hrs and I change cars 5 times. The hostel I booked was quite nice, I was given a dorm with 10 beds, but only the other guy and me sleeping there for the night. So it is pretty good. I got myself 2 pillows and 2 big blanket...hahaha

Went to the famous Cape Regina and the 90miles beach, we literally sit in the coach, and he drove us down on the beach. And it is so dangerous to drive on the beach as the wave can just come in anytime and wash the vehicle away. Saw lotsa cars buried in the sand. There are lotsa whales washed on the shores before, but I didn't have any luck to see any of those.

There are also sand dunes along the way, quite impressive how NZ have so many different types of landforms, and especially so when it is situated on those volcanic lines. Did some sand boarding, and it is really fun. I think the next time I do sandboarding will be in Vietnam. Can't wait to do it.

The next day I went to a cruise out to the sea to see this "hole in the rock". Apparently the large mass of rock was formed in the sea by some lava, then overtime, due to wearing off, there is like a hole in the middle of this rock, and the boat drove through it. This is damn nice. Unfortunately, we are also suppose to see dlphines but never got the chance to see it.

And so I left Pahia after 3 days and hitch a ride back to auckland. Got myself 2 rides which eventually bring me bac to Auckland, and this time is more impressive, took me 3 hours to get to Auckland.

I am going to stay in Alex for the next few days. Auckland is such a big city filled with Chinese, and the most amazing thing that I saw today...pedestrain cross diagonally during pedestrain crossing. hahaha, was really impressed. I know I'm going to enjoy my stay here before heading back to Dunedin.

1 voice message:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

23 July, 2006 01:17  

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