***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: Corpus Christi

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Corpus Christi

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi commemorates the institution of the Holy Eucharist, paralleling Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) commemorating Our Lord's institution of the Eucharist. Corpus Christ was introduced in the late 13th century to encourage the faithful give special honor to the institution of the Holy Eucharist to the Blessed Sacrament. The official title of this Solemnity was changed in 1970 to The Body and Blood of Christ (Latin: Sollemnitas Sanctissimi Corporis et Sanguinis Christi); and it is still on the Roman Missal’s official Calendar for the universal Church on Thursday after Trinity Sunday; however, where it is not a day of obligation (as in the United States) it is usually celebrated on the Sunday following Trinity Sunday.


The priest said in his sermon today...
Someone I recently offered communion to, looked at me with such pained eyes saying "look, I don't deserve communion". I looked straight back and said exactly what was i my heart, "tell me who does"!
This is so true, how often do we feel that we really dun deserve to rec'd him? But despite all these, he is willing to forgive us for everything that we have done, and will allow us to start everything a new. Cum'on no one is perfect, and we must try to accept people for who they are... yes and I'm doing just that....

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