***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: Letter from India...Part 2

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Letter from India...Part 2

Remember the stephen-chow-fan-club (hindi branch) that I mentioned in the previous email? Well, I don't think anybody is laughing now, it has been raining like crazy for the past 3 days in Mumbai. And counting.

How heavy is the rain? Well, airport visibility is only 50M. Enough to cancelled a number of domestic flights.
How long will the monsoon be? As mentioned, 3 days and counting, I won't be here to count till august/sept. Phew~

Many people here are starting to miss Singapore already, some miss the food, some miss the cleanliness and efficiency, some miss their love ones.

I miss my bike. (Left hand grabs imaginary clutch, right hand twist nonexistent throttle)

Of course I miss you all also lah, that's why send email mah =)

As long as there is meat, I'm cool. But the lack of GREEN vegetables is annyoing me at times. Their version of 'vegetarians' are peas, lentils, roots and dough. Pratas, lassi, chapaitis here are all cheap if you eat like the locals. I can't find duck or pork yet, unable to find the reason why. They have this unique dish call 'Bombay Duck' , its actually a very crispy fish dish. And its not easy I think only miss the variety of breakfast I can have in singapore -- on that, I will hantam any joker who suggest having pratas for any get-together when I'm back.

I saw a dead rat on the way to work this morning. I saw a cat with a dead rat in its mouth on the way to the market over the weekend. Cats here are garang, sg cats only know how to scratch bike seats (mine) and sleep in shade. There is a lack of rubbish bin here. Come forth and litter, therapetic after a hard day of work.

I'm not sure if there is a indian word for it. Enough said.

On this point, I wanna add this, remember all the head shaking u see on tv/movies? The head is shaken from side to side, not from right to left. Different ok! Over here, it means 1) Yes 2) No 3) Don't know 4) Maybe.

Which leads to surivial tip no 2!
Do not ask leading questions when you are in India

Wrong method: Do I turn right to get to the Singaporean embassy?/ Is the embassy behind the shopping centre?
Ans: Shakes Head to indicate yes/no/maybe/don't know. We tend to accept that answer as a 'Yes' and before you know it, you are in pakistan.

Correct method: Where is the embassy?
Ans: Gives exact or approximate directions. e.g. 5 mins walk straight

And that leads to survival tip no 3!
1 min = 5 min, 5 mins = approx 15 min, an hour = Bring your pillow.
While the rest of the world uses GMT, here they have IRT/IST -- Indian rubber/stretchable Timing. Not only are timing very much enlongated, distance too! My 5 min, 1km walk to the market turns out be shacker than expected

1 voice message:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

23 July, 2006 01:17  

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