Good Friday

I think I always have the tendencies to missed Good Friday masses, and I almost did it again today. The mass is at 3pm, and I woke up at 3.15pm. Then I rushed to church, lucky I reached there before the veneration of the cross. I'm sick, so I'm pardoned. ;p
Mass was pretty similar to that of Singapore, but Karla was telling me that she never seen such things before in Canada.
Went for a dinner which is organised by the Chinese. It was pretty fun to see sometimes they do not understand each other because of their accent. And I'm really impressed by their patroitism. They shared with me their history and policical affairs with Taiwan. I suddenly feel my knowledge when up by another 200%. I think deep inside me I feel more so a chinese than a Singaporean.
Other than fasting today, I have decided to make a sacrifice. I will offer Chelsea's game tonight to our dear Lord. May they not win like always. Let them be the sacrifical item. Man U all the way.
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