Maundy Thursday

13 April 2006
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter. Christians remember it as the day of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist.
The night of Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The word "maundy" comes from the command given by Christ at the Last Supper, that we should love one another.
In Roman Catholic churches the anthem “Mandatum novum do vobis” (“a new commandment I give to you”) would be sung on Maundy Thursday.
In many other countries this day is known as Holy Thursday.
On this day, 14 years ago, I served my first highmass in church when I was an altar server. It was on this special day, I was given this post that the priest washes my feet. It was kinda cool as I dun really know what I'm doing when I was young, and now the act of washing of feet meant so much to me.
I remembered in many of the retreats when I was a server or during confirmation camps, the washing of feet is like an act of humility and to ask for forgiveness. I remember so many things my brothers and sisters told me during the washing of feet. And one of the last retreat that I have with Mark and Kester was very memorable. Mark came up to me and washed my feet, telling me how good a brother I'm and then both of us started crying, and then kester came and 3 of us cried together. hahaha, never see of guyz crying right, and we really cried so hard, so so hard, I think I cry because I know what lies ahead of us is blurred and that I may never shared that kinda experience with them ever again. But it was so nice to always be sitting between Mark and Kester. Is just like 2 big brothers protecting this youngest one. And is funny how Gerald grew so much closer to me over the years. I always remember how we always rush to the confession box during mass EVERYTIME. And we are like the permenent people who goes up for offertory. This is so fun...And u noe what, today is Chau's bdae. haben seen him online, so can't wish him yet, but I hope he sees this blog, and know that I do miss him. *hugs*
And this season of easter reminds me of the time as a server. Everytime before you serve a mass, the ICs will demand a perfect mass, haha, I used to be mass ICs too. hahaha. But now, to me being able to serve God, it is already so perfect if we can dawn the soutan and serve God at his holy ground. I was looking at the Altar just now, and I was telling myself, it will be so great if I can serve mass for another time. The feeling of standing on the centuary is beyond description.
And last but not least, I miss SPP so much. First time spending my easter out of SPP, kinda not getting used to it, but still...yeah, I will be back soon....
2 voice message:
imagine u wear ur socks for in-camp training for a few days, then ur buddy reaches down, wanting to remove them, to wash ur feet. U might just yank ur feet back to say, eh, smelly lah, xiao eh - dun lah. Rite? To let someone wash ur feet, is also to understand a little of what it means to be exposed. the scariest feeling in life, is when u know u will be exposed, revealed, unmasked - bcos we know we are unclean.
Just like how the veil that once shrouded God's grace fm us & also for us to hide behind it to prevent God fm seeing all, now is torn, we shld remember to unmask ourselves, before our brothers & sisters in Christ, before our heavenly Father, to receive the grace He freely gives.
haha, ms lai, preaching to me siah.
yeah. i got it, and i noe it. hahaha, anyway, if my buddie want to wash my leg after training, i wld be happy to offer it up to him. :)
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