Finally have some time to pen down my thoughts. Left Singapore on 16th Aug for some really crazy adventure – To backpack round Europe. To many, it may just be the ‘woah’ factor, and many would say that I’m ‘lucky’. Amazingly, I find it hard to comprehend how in any way I’m ‘lucky’ and others are not. Well, for the simple fact that I dun come from a well do to family, that already taken me out from the word ‘lucky’.
I’m sure many need to work to repay their school loan, and so do I. But obviously there is a one-year free interest loan right if you guys were to take it from the bank. Well, I took the loan from my parents’, so even if I need to pay extra interest, it will still go back to my parents, no issue about that. And if u want to travel like this, then plan ahead instead of saying that people like me are more privilege than you, because you are simply making a very unfair statement.
I believe God make us all equal, and it is really up to us individuals to make it unequal. Ridiculous, but true. God is fair, the world is not, so live with it. Alright, enough of ranting.
And now to my feelings… The feeling of leaving everything behind, well, not something that I have done before, but I’m slowly growing accustomed to. =p No pressure on work, no pressure to bring home enough dough, and no responsibilities and commitments. Way to go….this is like a FINALLY FEELING.

As I packed my bags and a luggage full of FOOD and emotions, I know that by the time I go back to Singaore, I would have learnt more about the world, spread more love to the world and of course be about 9 months behind all my peers, but seriously, life is too short to even give a damn to who is rich, who is hot, and who is not. So, going to miss you guys damn a lot, and that is why email and msn comes into very good use. For those of you who sent me emails, rest assure that I will reply you at bullet speed when I get access to internet. But if you are feeling lazy to drop me a mail, just hope and pray to see me online on MSN, then we can go for a chat. =p
Europe is feeling wonderful for me, will capture more photos and in the words of Phong, “seeing the world through you” - show you guys around the globe that I travel through me. Alright, more updates soon.