***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: Who blame who???

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Who blame who???

Alvin told me today I'm having a good time, because I very long never kao peh in my blog. That's funny. Then I started to think about how come I kao peh so much...

Many a times, we blame lotsa people, lotsa things for bad things that befall unto us. Like F$%^ A for doing this, if not A, I probably would not feel this way. And I must admit that sometimes I'm like that too.

Why do we often blame others for times that things they do upset you. For the simplest of sense, when you draw back the root of it, ain't you the one who should be at fault.

If you didn't expect others to conform to your expectations or your standards, whatever they do will not make you unhappy right? If you are just contented for what you are and accept them for what they are, things will be normal, won't they?

Sometimes, the wisest people are couples that are breaking up. In that situation, you often find the girl/guy saying, it is not about you, it is about me. Hahahaha, see, they know is their fault. It is because maybe the girl/guy have changes in expectations, and for this, it is not an excuse, it is a reason.

So right now, I will try as much as possible to stay clear headed, and before I get angry or pissed the next time, I have to check myself first, and ask if I'm expecting something from that someone.

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