***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: A conversation between a Godpa and a Godson

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A conversation between a Godpa and a Godson

godson : sometimes after awhile, it get all too alien to each other.
godson : one thing that i realize though ..which i'm trying to break out of from the thinkings of the past..
godpa : why do u want to break out from thinking the past?

godson : no point carry what's negative in your mind to the future..
godpa : whats so negative about your past?

godson : interaction with people was only in this place and i made my circulatio within this place and felt that outsiders were just strangers not meant to be made friends with
godpa : hmm
godpa : that shldnt b the case rite
godson : yah so am moving out from there
godpa : u dun haf to move out
godpa : u move together yah?
godson : to the point of learning to accept people and learn to love them
godpa : meaning
godpa : u learn to mke new fren
godpa : wifout forgoing your old
godson : it's like you've got only this amount of space to upload and you can't carry the rest of it..
godson : so that thinking i know i have to let go...
godpa : u can if u want
godpa : juz like
godpa : there is always lotsa burden with us
godpa : but many a times
godpa : we will tke it wif us
godpa : regardless of hw hard it is
godpa : but u noe that
godpa : the eventual result will be something that is worth it
godson : that happens but not everytime
godpa: it happens becoz u want it to
godson : for this case when i came to this NEW place, i felt so difficult trying to fit in and to worship properly..
godpa: y?
godson : so when i let my mind at ease and free it from all of this,of course through HIM i made it..and i can tell you..the feeling is Woooo ! haaha
godson : can see myself in the past and i can just laugh at it..
godson : it's like, you actually did that,how foolish...
godpa : I am glad u have grown

Kinda of sad why so many pple that I know are "moving on" without giving due consideration to the past. Is true that past do not have any bearings to the future, but it is because of the past that you are what you are now, and it helps to shape the future. The next time when you decide to give up something, please spare a thought for the time and energy that is put into it, the tears and happiness that you took out from it, is it really not worth it at all?

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