Glasgow, Scotland
When I arrived at Glasgow, I was expecting to see what I have seen in Edinburgh, even though I was warned it is going to be very city like, but I never expect it to be so boring. Is really city, but worst of than Singapore. Probably the museum is the only good thing to visit. The rest of my time, I would spend it in the library to use the internet or boarders to read books. The books here are quite cheap, and I think I may buy a few. lol.
My couchsurfing host Nikki came and picked me up. She identify me at one instant, and she reminds me alot of Karla. The way they look, the way they behave and how selfless they are as humans. I always have a softspot for people who put others before themselves. Nikki cooked all the dinner for me and I offer to eat out, but she insist that I eat at home because it will be FREE for me and because I'm traveling, I'm totally cash-tight. She is totally awesome, and not forgetting that she have an overdraft in her bank account.

Alright, some interesting fact about her (I think she is like the main thing that interest me so much about Glasgow), she is born in Cambridge and is studying Music in Glasgow. She is passionate about what she is doing most of the time, the rest of the time, she yearns to be motivated by others, and she like E.lit. Gosh, the way she recited the olden poems, it just make me melt. It is so so nice.... She is quite a good vegetarian chef. I have never in my life ate so much ONIONS and GARLICE. One can only wonder how much have I fart from then till now...

Her house is so big, and she stack layers of duvet to make a bed for me in the living room. This is my make shift bed in her living room.

I walked pass this advertisement a few times in Glasgow, and I thought I would take this picture down, and see if you know their strategy. I just feel that if the Scots doesn't know this, they are like the stupidest people on earth can. This advertisement totally belittle the intecllect of any human beings. Obviously when u do a re-finance, the mortgage will be lower, unless of course you take up the LOAN from loan-shark la. And technically, it is impossible for RBS to give up the 1000 pounds. For a second, people will just want to try their luck at RBS, but you will definitely not be able to get even a penny out from RBS man. Then if it is impossible, why they only write 1000pounds and not more. If you write too much, then people will think is impossible already, so you just write an amount that will be big enough to tempt people to go RBS but not that big to allow people to know is impossible. This is a good marketing and financial ploy, but then again, is for people who dun really think.

Friday, the city was kinda busy because is the start of weekend, and being a small city, you still can have so many poeple in this one road. I also forgot when was the last time I see Orchard with so many people. :)
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