Edinburgh, Scotland
My first impression of Edinburgh was "Woah............". Remember how I describe Bath, this is a bigger version of Bath, and the best part about it is that it has a huge Castle in the middle of the city, just beside the train station. Isn't that amazing. That is like how brilliant.... Being the capital of Scotland, it definitely potrays Scotland very well.

My couchsurfing host waited for me at the train station. She was really nice. She came all the way to wait for me. Her name is Claire. She is not a Scot but a French. And I get to experience how a foreigner stay in Scotland, infact pretty much of people in couchsurfing in Scotland are not locals. Claire gave her bed up for me and she stay in the living room. So I suppose she is more of a gentlewoman than me as a gentleman. Totally no joke, I stayed there for 3 nights, and she slept in the living room for 3 nights. And every night there is a fiesta, I wonder how she sleep man, and she have to wake up early to work. But she was really really nice to me. I'm so damn touched....

Just below the Castle, there is a park which used to be the moat of Edinburgh's main water source, everyone just laze around it, enjoying the sun (but is still very cold, i wonder y and is only fall now). 

All the buildings around it are olden gregorian style, and I think it is really nice. But it was quite a scare because once I came out from the train, it was so cold that I was freezing and my teeth was making lotsa sound. It rained the next day and again, it was very cold. The good news came on the 3rd day, and then, there was light....
There was pretty much things to see, lotsa mesuem are free and most important I walked the City of Dead. The Royal mile that lead up to the castle was build on old cities. Because in ancient city, they use to have very high rise buildings, and then the road was built on the 5th storey onwards. Then, it was rumoured that there are still people staying there because they refuse to move out. It means they stayed underground with no lights and almost no air for a good century. Is amazing, I would strongly recommend that to everyone to see.

There was this hill that wasn't like highlighted but I discovered it. Is about half an hour walk up (if you find the shortcut). From there you get to see the city and the sunset. The view was as usual, amazing.

I stayed there for 2 hours just to enjoy the weather and the sound of the wind. And waited till the sun finally set.... It is definitely a must see.
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