***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: The day I felt small

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The day I felt small

An entry from my guest Blogger. I played this movie sometime back and even though, I have seen it before, associating with this video again, make me feel how fortunate and yet small AGAIN.

And I totally agree with his views on how people judge success. Especially so since I came back overseas. Sad but true...


I felt very small the day I saw this video ( read the story first before viewing the video)

I did the full Standard Chartered Marathon in 2005. I busted both my knees at the 25km mark but pissed-drag-walk the rest of the remaining 17km. Even though I came in at a pathetic time of almost 7 hours, I thought I was some big deal

The achievements of Dick make me feel small

I was a red beret soldier. I floated in the river of Brunei for days and had war-games through the hills of Taiwan. I parachuted off from planes and did 72km road marches. I thought I was some hero.

The lines that Rick pen made me feel small.

Most of the readers here I suppose are young, we believe the world is our oyster. Graduating with honors and getting a highly-paid job, we believe our future is bright and within our grasps. We may grow to be condescending towards our fellow men; we use disposable income as the yardstick of human success and belittle those who have not succeeded in life, yet. We may develop our own comfort zone and probably disregard anyone whose idiosyncrasies do not follow our established norm

When I traveled through certain developing countries in the region, the contacts with the people were eye-opening. Poor in material wealth but rich in all other aspects, they too made me feel small. You might argue that they will be happier with more money to buy proper food, wear proper clothes, have proper transport instead of walking on their feet. Well, we do have more money to buy proper food, wear proper clothes and we have efficient transport system but I don’t see most Singaporeans been Rich and happy.

We are not what we wear; we are not the content of our wallet. Ego and Dignity are two different issues. How big is your ego? Rick & Dick deflated mine, are you still blowing hard into your own?

(By guest blogger1803)

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