***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: Societal Standards

Monday, September 11, 2006

Societal Standards

Had a pretty interesting discussion with two of my friends who graduated recently on different occasions. We were on the topic on how companies perform a selection on individuals. I took different sides on each discussions.

With friend A:
How does the company choose the right kind of people? Does the quality of the paper really matter? I asked how does the company know if they are choosing the smart people but not muggers. Then A said that the cut off is for all the smart people, then from the smart people, then they will measure EQ, CQ and whatever qualities that matters.

Den I ask how cum they cannot select base on EQ, CQ and etc and then the next cut will be the paper? He told me it will be easier to do it using the 'paper' cutting off method first because it is a niche pool. True, but isn't people with other attributes also formed the niche pool?

Company also potray themselves that they do not want good employees who are only paper smart, but also must be all rounder. Then the funny thing is that 'paper' smartness is already a pre-requisite before the assess other attributes. Sad but true.

Even though A argued so much for what the company is doing is the right way, but he felt that it is not the fair way. =p

With friend B:
She was really pessismistic abt her job, and kept saying that her 2nd lower is as gd as a 3rd class. She say without a 2nd upper, it is so hard to find a good job (define by a gd paying one). And then I told her, why must a company recruit a 2nd lower when they have 2nd upper in consideration. Then she say the whole system was screwed up, what u study doesn't even apply to what you work, yet you base so much on it. I agree, but then, how is the company gonna find people and what are they going to base on then? So paper qualifications will be a good gauge.

Having said that, it is a good gauge, but not necessary a fair or the best gauge. She was telling me that she like this other company because they rejected her application but called up her friend who has a 3rd class. Solely because she claims that this company does not look at grades, which I think is pretty interesting.

Graduation is 7 months away and I'm starting to feel that I'm not ready to work. Even though, I have already been working for like 3 years plus but this feeling is totally different.

I suddenly feel so inadequate, maybe because I think I'm still not in the mood to start working. hahaha. But while I was browsing through all the job titles, I dun even know what will the job scope be like. Quite funny feeling.

I'm not afraid of interviews, infact, I want as many interviews as possible, but I'm quite afraid of becoming part of the society's expectations and start doing the unhealthy norms. It sux.

Though I must admit that I'm not cut out to study, and I dun really like to study, I enjoy school almost everytime. =p So much time to do so many things. And there is like no competitions...the only challenge you have is YOURSELF, seriously, I can't be bothered to prove myself in the academic area. And I'm thankful that it is finally coming to an end. So much of saying how much I hate studying, BUT one thing that I must agree is that knowledge is power, and I love to be submerged into pursuing knowledge in any other ways, other than putting me in an exam or a grade to it. =p

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