***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: Promise

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


You can see in my last entry that many people do make lotsa promises, but how often are promises being fulfilled?

Promises gives people hope and something to live for. People factor in these hopes into their plans or into their lives, however, if the promises is eventually broken, I'm sure that the someone would definitely not feel good.

Just like the promise of friendship, and then your good friend start back stabbing you, the pain is so much more than someone else who is to do it.

Promises - It is really easy to make, however, if you do not have the thought and the will to evenly fulfill it, then better not to promise and not fulfill it. We often see people over-promise under deliver. Why so? The need to satisfy the other party? The need to clinch a deal?

I remembered there are times that I made ambitious promises, and I must admit that it is almost crazy and near impossible to achieve it. Even though, I have yet to break any of those yet. Just like during my internship, I was just fooling around, and I promise my boss to hit a target, and after a few weeks into it, I realized how realistically impossible it is to achieve it. But somehow, miracles happen lah, i'm lucky to get away with this promise being fulfilled. No often miracles like this happen, but this taught me a serious lesson. And that one should promise what he/she have the intention of fulfilling, or under promise and over deliver which will eventually make people more satisfy with your credibility. Or DO NOT KEEP empty promises.

And like what people always say, once the trust is broken, it is so hard to regain it back, so...dun break that promise and dun break that trust yah?

In respond to what Vera said, I am sure that it contains a certain amount of truth, however, there are always a one in a million kinda people who will be able to say No, I'm not one of the person that you mention. And no, i'm not gonna say i'm one of them(is for you to judge), but yes, there are people like this out there. :)

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