Is Finally Over...
Soci Essay Over
Alright, have been really busy trying to put my act together to finish my dreadful sociology essay. Have been doing it since Monday, and I finally finished it on Friday morning. And during this time, I have been feasting on Pizzas for dinner. Now I'm kinda sick of Pizza, but I know it is the easiest and the cheapest way of preparing. Just put it in the oven, then everything is ok.

The above picture shows my computer, my research test, my pizza and my trusty Speights Beer.
French Oral TestOk, is not what you guys are thinking. It is French Verbal test. I only started memorizing my dialouge like on Friday morning, 2 hours before the test. My partner(Liam) and I are suppose to talk for 5minutes. I have a good 4 pages of script to memorise. And it is so hard... Liam doesn't really even try to memorize because he can't really be bothered about it, or at least he said that he is busy. How busy can he be when he is only taking 3 papers when 1 of them is a repeated paper. Sigh...
So we went into the test room. And the examiners start asking Liam questions. We are suppose to answer 5 questions that they ask. Liam was asked first, he was totally blank plus the fact that he is so nervous and he is like blushing. Ha, can't imagine a Bo Chap guy like him get nervous like this. But I must admit I do not even understand the questions, he was like stunned.
Then it came my turn. The first question, what is the profession of Nicolas Legrand(a character in my textbook). I was shocked by the fact that the question they ask is so easy. So I was like A Singer. Then they nod their head. The 2nd question, how much is 9+10. Then I was shocked again, hahaha, then I say 19. Then they nodded their heads again, as if I'm like a professional french speaker. Then the 3rd question they ask me to describe the room(my professor's room). I knew she like orange, so I said the table cloth is orange, and the room is filled with 2 babes(the examiners) and 2 hunks(liam and myself). They started laughing. Alright, and the last 2 question I dun understand so I passed it. But I'm happy that I answered the questions which many fail to even understand. Liam was like what the hell, how come he got all the tough questions and I got all the easy ones. hahaha.
Then we started with our dialouge, and when I'm just saying my 5th line, they(the examiners) cut in and ask us questions. We were caught by surprise. And Liam was blank again. But they helped him along, and I think I manage to answer all the questions. Now I really need to fully prepare for my French finals. I know I can do well if I want to. But I'm really scared that I will fail. But but but...this oral preparations really boosted my confidence and I really want to do well, so studying for french starts today for me.
ContaminationI went down to the kitchen to wash my bowl after lunch after I came out from the wash room. And my dearest flatmate, the aussie girl was just walking infront of me. And when both of us reached the sink in the kitchen. She told me that she is disgusted with me. And I asked her why, she said that I should wash my hands up there and not in the kitchen, so I asked why, and she brought out the touching 1000penis logic that after using the toilet, my hands is dirty and when I touch the handle of the tap, it contaminates it. So I was like. Ok, so assuming if i washed my hands up there, I will contaminate the tap then I wash my hands, and when I off it, I will touch the tap again right, so I will contaminate my clean hands. So now my hands are contaminated again, and when I go down to the kitchen and touch the tap, wouldn't it be contaminated too? Oh well, she was disgusted. And I'm utterly disgusted by the way she argues. Oppps, did i mention that someone is studying law. hahaha, not angry, but I just find it amusing. But relationship between us is getting better, because we are starting to accept the differences.
Silvia's Party
Silvia is having a birthday party tonight, and finally last party before exam, how cool. When we always say last party, it is never the case, there is party everyday, but I have been a good boy. So...I deserve to go party...=p
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