Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
It was pretty much similar to Bangkok in so many aspect. The food is really cheap and nice. And the shopping is really good if you know where to shop. HCM is not really big, 1-2days can completely cover the attractions that is within the city.
Other places of interest will be Mekong River and Cu Chi tunnels and Kaodai Sect.
Below is the eye which they worship in the Kao Dai Sect. This is the religion that combines all the gods of all religion and pray to them together. The do nothing and stay at their temple everyday and have religious rituals 4 times a day.
The eye is a right eye and is like their god of god.
This is a picture of their ritual. :)
Finally met up with Cuong, after 3 years. He is working in PnG now and is moving to KL. Envious, and he is going to have a house and a car all to himself....:)
Other places of interest will be Mekong River and Cu Chi tunnels and Kaodai Sect.
Below is the eye which they worship in the Kao Dai Sect. This is the religion that combines all the gods of all religion and pray to them together. The do nothing and stay at their temple everyday and have religious rituals 4 times a day.
The eye is a right eye and is like their god of god.

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