San Miguel, Mexico
My friend was telling me how beautiful San Miguel was, and true enuff, when i finally saw it, it was simply amazing. San Miguel is a spanish name for St. Michael. It coincides with some festivals, so there are lotsa happening progs the whole day. Woke up late coz alarm clock ran out of batt, so made the whole group waited for me, but is ok la, most of the time is the other way round.
The city was really magnificant, plus the festival that is going on, almost 99% of the crowd are people around my age, so they are there to party. Most of the people will dress in white tops and red scarf.
Reached there just in time for the last bull run. They release 9 bulls, and out of these 9, one was too firghten to make it all the way. I went into the bull race area, and there are like so many people inside. All want to act hero. My purpose was not to act hero, just want to get a picture of the Toro(bull). But unfortunately, so many people are surrounding the fallen bull. Made a couple fo runs, because when the bull made a significant movement, the people near it will smart to react by running backwards and then the people outside will start running too. is like a ripple reaction. I ran like once in every minute for over 15mins, it was so crazy, the excitment and at the same time, the danger that was involve. hahaha. This is the nearest I could get to the bull.

Then went with a bunch of party animals, they are there obviously not to see how nice San Miguel is, but partying is their only reason there. Many people started drinking on Friday, and by Sat, almost 50% of the people is drunk. When nite falls, almost 90% of the people are drunk. And u practically can get alcohol from any shops and people ard the streets are offering u drinks.
My guy friends are busy picking up girls as I stand there, and trying to appreciate the atmosphere, it is like over a few thousands of people crowding around the messed up streets. Obviously, being the only Asian means I'm also the center of attraction. People start coming up to me and asking me if I'm from Japan or Korea. But generally, people here like Asians alot, coz they seldom see Asians. Then again, i really dunno if they meant what they say, bcoz like what i say 90% of the people are drunk. Shall show u one of my very yandao friends from France.

Amazingly, this is one of the only place in Mexico that almost everyone that I talked to on the streets speaks english, and sounds quite good to. Mayb is under the influence of alcohol. I heard that when ur drunk, u tend to be able to speak a foreign language without much difficulty. Hahaha, i think i have to start being drunk from now on....
There are like Mariachis everywhere playing music, and people are dancing salsa to the music. So the whole city is crazily partying... And it the atmosphere is so friendly, that everyone on the street just start chatting up with one another. And the best part is even though there are so many drunkards around, there are no fights, but instead, there are plentiful of love making. =p

Decided not to stay for so long, since I have so much work to do at home, two of the guys and me decided to go back to Mexico City first. We couldn't find any Taxis to the bus terminal, and we ended up walking to it. Luckily, it was near, if not, it will definitely be a problem.
The bus company over sell the tickets and then they were like more people than the seats available. And u know what, I'm one of the 2 who ended up standing for the journey. I was so damn pissed with their management. When the bus started running, I can't really be bothered, and I just put my bag on the floor and lied totally on the floor and slept.
Some people alight on the way, so I go two seats to myself after an hour of sleeping on the floor. My friend was sleeping while standing when he finally woke up and saw me sleeping on the floor, he woke me up and guess what he said to me. "move forward, i want some place to sleep too" hahaha.

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