***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: Ending of a dream signifies a beginning of another

Friday, April 07, 2006

Ending of a dream signifies a beginning of another

Yeah, the reality is out, I will not be staying in NZ anymore. :(

See, my actual plan was to stay in NZ for like a year so that I can save on cost on travelling. You know how the maths work right, if I dun move around, I will save up on the sunk cost(like the travelling xp, the settling down $$$, etc). So many of my friends are like Desmond why dun you wanna go to another place or why dun I wanna go back Singapore to complete my education.

Ok here are my answers...
1. Why NZ would be better because of the weather
2. An european lifestyle with a sg standard of living
3. Save 2 times the amount of $$$ if i were to go another place
4. So many things that I can do in NZ esp all the xtreme sports at cheap prices.
5. I will not have to plan again.
6. I will miss my friends in NZ esp Karla.
7. I will miss my wife here, have to sell her away so fast.
8. If I have the amount of $$$ I would go to another country, but for goodness sake, I only have a budget of 15k for 2 exchange. I'm not RICH!!!

Why dun I wanna go back Singapore...
1. Because in the first place I never wanted to study in Singapore.
2. Enough of smugging in school, time to take a break and see the world.
3. Whenever I have the chance to get out of the country, I would and I will.
4. To stabalise my GPA since I'm already getting my honours.
5. Sad but true, I hate my school.
6. So sad to see our lives so controlled instead of having the freewill to really do what we want. And even if we can do what we want, we are merely doing from the choices that we have.

Having said all these, I do miss my family, friends and love ones. I miss you guys so so much. Yeah, but this little dream of mine in NZ is coming to an end, and I will be leaving NZ at the end of July.

I just got my exam dates out. I wil be having a road trip from 21st June to 30th July. 5 weeks of it, I hope it is enough. Interested to join me, give me a mail....;p

Someone asked me what is my contigency plan if I dun get NZ, I told her that I dun have any because if I can't get the best, I'm willing to settle for anything that is cost effective, so anything will do.

Eagerly anticipating for start of the new dream. So my plan is....will update more once the plan is firmed up. CLUE: I have signed up for spanish classes.

Shouldn't be counting down how many days I left here, instead this serves as a gentle reminder that I should treasure every single second that I'm left here and make the best out from it.

Great people are not those who plan/strategises great things/plans, but are those who are able to overcome adversity with great courage and determination, and turn it into a successful one.

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