Heidelberg, Germany
The train ride was supposed to be 10 hours, but we ended up 4 hours late. A string of bad lucks followed. I lost my sunglass cover, my right index finger was numb for more than a week now and we missed our train for the stupidest reason.
We were at platform 1 waiting for our train to come and you know the train in europe are always punctual, but the train was no where insight at that particular platform. Guess what, they just changed the arrival of the train to another platform without announcement or anything, so when we looked at the train that is leaving from the platform beside us, we saw the sign board saying that the train is heading to our destination. Argh, how stupid can this be.
It was 2230hours at that time, and we need to get to Heidelberg by today (because we are tired and hungry) so we decided to hitch a hike from a petrol station nearby. All attempts were furtile, until we met a guy looked really fierce. But still, we decided to ask him to give us a lift, but he told us there is a train leaving at 0049hours, and we told him that we read the whole schedule and could not find any train going to our destination. But he told us he worked in the train station, and he knows everything about it.
And we did find our train and was so happy. Met a homeless guy at while waiting for the train. He started to talk to me and offered me a beer. How weird? Both of us drinking to our sorrows (yeah right), he swearing at Germany (about how they are treating him) and me swearing at the transport system in Germany. Sometimes we do make friends a different way.
When we finally arrived at about 0200hours, there was no tram and no other services, and we have to walk with our backpack to our host's place. it was a 45mins walk with our backpacks. Not that is tough, but traveling suppose to be relax and not shagged out. But I guess this (mis)adventures really made me feel that regardless of how bad things happen to you, it will never be the worst, and you need to always look at the bright side and make things better for yourself. Self-pity is definitely no pity...

The next day, we went out with our host, and then, he dropped the ultimate answer when I asked him if he is seeing someone... "...I have a boyfriend, I'm a day" was what he said. Not that I'm shocked, but we were talking so much about gays prior to him admitting it. Both Fred and myself felt damn malu about the situation and tried to buffer it. :)

Heidelberg is quite a touristy place, with loads of American and Japanese tourists. The city can be convered in detail within a day, and the night life too can be covered within a night. The most amazing thing to see in Heidelberg is Scholoss, which is an amazing Gothic architecture.

The sunset over the river was quite fantastic too. But that is if the sun do come out and play, if not you will never get a good dusk's scenery.

We met up with Alina at the bar she is working, and she treated us to a round of good Cologne beer. 

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