***A W@lK +♡ R3mEM8eR***: Happy Vday and Happy friendship day

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Vday and Happy friendship day

I still remember last year this time, i was in NZ. Was not that bad bcoz all of us cele Vday together. A really cool way of celebrating Vday overseas.

Got a date with EF today, but I think given any situation, vday shouldn't be celebrated.

Why shouldn't it be celebrated???

1. As a business student, we all know is a form of marketing gimmick, at the end of the day, the benefiting party is no other than the resturants, the florist, the hotels n etc. It doesn't make economical and rational sense to celebrate a day where the cost you incurred is obscene.

2. It is not even an anniversary or an occasion (eg. bdaes). If everyone celebrate it, how special can it be? I choose to think that all these celebrations or "romantic" times should be celebrated within the couples at their own time, and need not necessary be a day call st.valentine.

3. Why wait till 14th feb to declare how much you love your partner when you have the rest of the 364 days to do so. Does this 1 day really make it up for the rest of the 364 days of inactivity or romanticless relationship?

Sorry to all friends for being kind enuff to ask me out, but I have to disappoint bcoz of my ridiculously incomprehensible EF test which is taking place on Friday, I ask for your understanding and forgiveness. I will make it up in due time.

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