Sg @ Mexico
Today i woke up at 6am to for my 7am class. I hate early morning class. Can't seem to concentrate though my classmates are telling me the class is so interesting. Sigh...
Got back my midterm paper, got 8/10, and I heard that prof is a strict marker, and I feel what i wrote was quite crap...but anyway, am thankful and just need a few more of such crazy marking and I would have pass my paper without the finals.
Went to revisit Anthropolgy Museum and the Castle to complete where I stopped. It is really huge man. And I'm quite impressed with myself for the history of Mexico now.... Guess all this traveling and understanding the culture and the people really helps, and I'm loving it.
Then I went to meet Ansen and his beau Debz from my home uni. They are studying in Tec de Monterrey in Mexico as well. So this is their weekend getaway to Mexico DF. Welcome~~~~

Is really nice meeting them, especially we set out to hunt for chinese food. Went to the China Town in Mexico DF. After searching for sometime, we finally saw happy. Ask them where got nice food, and she showed us to this place call Hong King...errr, i thot it was a little wrong, coz I think it is suppose to meant something else...nvm.
The food was not like fantastic chinese food, but well, chinese food alas.....
I'm feeling so stress now, tml gonna meet Bianca who is arriving from Vera Cruz, and will be showing her around for one day. Staying over at Clau's place before heading to Taxco on Sat. Will need to finish...
-Entreprenuership H/W
-Spanish Immersion Presentation
-International Political Economy Term Paper Proposal
-Internation Biz Term Paper 1st Draft
-Risk Management Proposal this weekend.
Have to meet...
-IPE prof to discuss proposal on Mon/Tue
-Espanol Presentacion on Wed
-Pte Espanol Lesson on Wed
-Meet Risk Mgmt Prof to discuss proposal
-Meet IBiz Prof to show 1st Draft
And I'm still thinking of going to Oaxaca next weekend, looks like I may have to stall my plans...argh. Hope to rush finish. Busy Busy Busy...
Travel quite abit today, and had lotsa thots, and will pen it down in due time. Meanwhile, anyone who knows Free Interior Design Software, do let me know.
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